
Showing posts from September, 2023

Can Keeping Chickens In Your Backyard Help You Live Sustainably?

Can Keeping Chickens In Your Backyard Help You Live Sustainably? How to Manage an Adult Flock of Chickens? How Can You Ensure a Safe Environment for Your Backyard Chickens? How Can You Manage Chicken Waste in Your Backyard? Are Predators a Threat to Your Backyard Chickens? How Can You Keep Backyard Chickens Stress-Free? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. In urban areas, keeping chickens has become a popular hobby. People can raise chickens for eggs, meat, and even for pets. Some even sell their eggs for a side income. However, before you get started, there are some things you should know first. This article will help you to manage an adult flock of chickens. We like having our backyard chickens because they help deal with ticks and other insects, and they are great food processors when it comes to scraps. The eggs they give and the entertainment they provide are just b...

Can Raising Chickens Help You Get Fresh Eggs?

Can Raising Chickens Help You Get Fresh Eggs? Are Free-Range Chickens the Best Choice for Egg Production? What are the Benefits of Keeping Bantam Chickens? What Makes Raising Meat Chickens Different? How Dual-Purpose Chickens Can Help You Get More Eggs? What Feeding Habits Ensure the Best Eggs from Your Chickens? What Feeding Habits Ensure the Best Eggs from Your Chickens In The Winter? What Care Does Your Hen Need to Lay Delicious Eggs? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. Many people are turning back to the days of raising chickens for eggs. It's not that difficult, and it doesn't require forty acres of land. You may even have heard of your grandparents raising chickens and collecting eggs. You don't have to live in a remote location to raise chickens, but the trend is growing, and many people are getting back to nature. And in case you're wondering, th...

Can You Keep Chickens and Ducks In Your Backyard?

Can You Keep Chickens and Ducks In Your Backyard? How Do You Make the Most of Keeping Chickens and Ducks in Your Backyard? What Makes Chickens and Ducks Different? How Much Floor Space Does Keeping Chickens and Ducks Require? What Do You Need for a Healthy Flock of Chickens and Ducks? What Health Benefits Do Chickens and Ducks Offer? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. There are many benefits to keeping chickens or ducks, and many people prefer the meat of chickens. Although duck meat is a delicacy in many cultures, it is more difficult to obtain commercially and is more expensive. While chickens are more familiar to many people, ducks are often larger, which means they produce more meat. Can You Keep Chickens and Ducks In Your Backyard?

Can You Have Free-Range Chickens In Your Backyard?

Can You Have Free-Range Chickens In Your Backyard? Will Your Fencing Keep Free-Range Backyard Chickens Safe? What Benefits Does Feeding Free-Range Chickens Bring? How to Keep Predators Away from Your Free-Range Chickens? How Can You Keep Your Free Range Chickens Healthy? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. Fencing is an important part of keeping your free-range backyard chickens safe from predators. In addition to dogs and cats, predators can include bobcats, opossums, raccoons, snakes, and coyotes. Predators can harm or even kill your chickens if they don't have enough cover to hide or roost. Luckily, there are many options for fencing to protect your chickens from the dangers of the wild. One type of fencing for chickens is chicken wire. It's low-cost and easy to install. However, it isn't as effective as a welded wire fence and can leave wide gaps. Anothe...

Can Keeping Backyard Chickens Lead to Fleas?

Can Keeping Backyard Chickens Lead to Fleas? Can Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Help Control Fleas in Your Backyard Chickens? Can Scaly Leg Mites Ruin Your Backyard Chickens? Can European Chicken Fleas Infest Your Backyard Coop? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. Can Keeping Backyard Chickens Lead to Fleas? Using food-grade diatomaceous earth on chickens can help prevent fleas and parasites. Chickens love to roll in the dust, so dusting them with DE can be a good way to reduce the amount of dust they inhale. It does have some potential side effects, though, so it's best to use it carefully and only in enclosed areas. Can Keeping Backyard Chickens Lead to Fleas?

Can Raising Chickens for Food Feed Your Family?

Can Raising Chickens for Food Feed Your Family? Which Breed of Chicken is Best for Raising for Food? How Much Space Does a Chicken Need to Thrive? What Feed Does Your Flock Need to Thrive? Is Raising Chickens For Food Humane? Are Health Issues a Concern When Raising Chickens For Food? What Supplements Will Help Your Chickens Produce the Best Food? How to Care for Your Chickens to Ensure Delicious Food? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. You can raise chickens for food for several reasons. One of the most popular is the opportunity to get eggs at a lower cost than ever before. Another is to help you save money on meat. Chickens are a great source of protein and are easy to care for. However, they do have some preferences. For example, they like fish skin and fish bones, and they also love to chase after dead or live insects. Can Raising Chickens for Food Feed Your Fam...

Can You Raise Chickens Without Feed?

Can You Raise Chickens Without Feed? Can You Raise Chickens Without Infected or Molded Feed? Can Changing Routine Keep Chickens Healthy Without Feed? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you're interested in raising chickens without feed, there are a number of things you should consider. First, you should consider growing your own food. Then, you should make sure that the food you give your chickens is healthy and safe. Make sure to use safe, chicken-safe ingredients, such as sunflower seeds or herbs. You should also buy the ingredients you use to make their feed in bulk, which will save you money compared to commercial feed. Another advantage of using your own food is that you'll know exactly what goes into their diets. Can You Raise Chickens Without Feed?

Can You Raise Chickens Without Grain?

Can You Raise Chickens Without Grain? What Benefits Does Compost Offer to Grain-Free Chicken Raising? Can Oats Help You Raise Chickens Without Grain? Can Barley Keep Your Chickens Healthy Without Grain? Can Rye Help You Raise Chickens Without Grain? Can Alfalfa Help You Raise Chickens Without Grain? Can Food Scraps Keep Your Chickens Healthy? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you're wondering how to raise chickens without grain, you're not alone. There are many ways to feed your chickens without the added expense of grain. Here are some examples: Compost, Oats, Barley, and Rye. In addition to these three staples, chickens can also be fed food scraps and manure. Can You Raise Chickens Without Grain?

What Are the Benefits Of Keeping Backyard Poultry?

What Are the Benefits Of Keeping Backyard Poultry? What Are the Benefits of Keeping Backyard Poultry? Are Backyard Poultry Health Risks Worth the Benefits? How Can Backyard Poultry Impact Your Wallet? How Can Biosecurity Measures Help Protect Your Backyard Poultry? Which Backyard Poultry Breeds are Best for You? Can Backyard Poultry Benefit from Pasture Shelters? Can Electric Net Fencing Keep Your Chickens Safe? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you are considering starting a backyard poultry flock, you should consider the risks associated with raising these birds. Learn about the health risks, biosecurity measures, and economic impact. Then, you can decide whether or not this is right for you. In the meantime, consider the many benefits that backyard poultry can bring. Read on to learn more. What Are the Benefits Of Keeping Backyard Poultry?

What Are the Most Popular Backyard Chicken Breeds?

What Are the Most Popular Backyard Chicken Breeds? Why Should You Consider an Orpington Chicken for Your Backyard? What Makes the Ameraucana Chicken a Popular Choice for Backyards? Why Australorp Chickens Make a Great Choice for Your Backyard? Can Brahma Chickens Make Your Backyard Flock Popular? What Makes the Leghorn a Popular Backyard Chicken? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. When you're planning a backyard chicken project, there are many different options available. From heritage breeds to popular backyard chickens, there are a few things to keep in mind. Egg production may not be the most important trait, but temperament and climate can affect the way they behave. Here's how to choose a backyard chicken based on your preferences. What Are the Most Popular Backyard Chicken Breeds?

Where Can I Get Free Chickens?

Where Can I Get Free Chickens? Are There Farms That Give Away Free Chickens? Are There Hatcheries That Offer Sexing? Are There Health Benefits Of Free-Range Chickens? There are numerous places where you can get free chickens. You can find Hatcheries that sex the chickens for free or Farms that give them away for free. You can also find articles about the costs of raising free-range chickens and the health benefits of having your own flock of chickens. The opportunities to acquire free chickens are plentiful, with hatcheries and farms offering their services and expertise to those interested. Moreover, the availability of articles discussing the costs of raising free-range chickens and the various health benefits associated with owning a personal flock serves as a valuable resource for individuals considering this fulfilling venture. By exploring these options and delving into the knowledge shared, one can embark on a journey of chicken ownership, reaping the rewards of companionship,...

What Are Costs Associated with Raising Chickens to Sell for Meat?

What Are Costs Associated with Raising Chickens to Sell for Meat? What Are Costs of Raising Backyard Chickens to Sell? What Are Breeds Of Backyard Chickens to Raise for Meat? What Are the Health Concerns Of Backyard Chickens Raised for Meat? What Are Liability Insurance Costs for Raising Chickens to Sell? If you are thinking about raising chickens to sell for meat, you may be wondering about the costs involved. This article will cover topics like the health of the chickens you are planning to raise, which breeds will produce the most meat, and liability insurance. In addition, you will learn about different breeds and the best ways to care for them. This article aims to be your comprehensive guide to raising chickens for meat production. By covering crucial topics such as chicken health, breed selection, liability insurance, and effective care practices, you will gain the necessary knowledge to embark on a successful and profitable poultry business. Whether you are a beginner or an e...

How Does Raising Chickens Compare to Raising Ducks?

How Does Raising Chickens Compare to Raising Ducks? What Are the Pros and Cons Of Raising Chickens vs. ducks? Do Ducks Require More Space Thank Chickens? Do Ducks Require More Water Than Chickens? Are Ducks Eggs More Healthy Than Chicken Eggs? Do Ducks Cost Less Than Chickens? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. Whether you want to raise chickens or ducks, there are a few things to consider before you begin. Chickens require more space and water than ducks do. They also lay healthier eggs. Read on for the pros and cons of raising both types of chickens. This article will help you decide which type of bird is the best choice for your home and lifestyle. How Does Raising Chickens Compare to Raising Ducks?

How Does Raising Chickens Compare to Raising Quail?

How Does Raising Chickens Compare to Raising Quail? Are Coturnix Quail Good Producers Of Eggs Compared to Chickens? Are Quail Quieter Than Chickens? Are Quail Cheaper Than Chickens? Do Quail Lay Eggs Earlier Than Chickens? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. Raising chickens is a great way to get eggs, but quail can be a better choice for some people. Not only are they quieter than chickens, but they are also easier to raise. Here are some things to keep in mind when you decide to raise quail. How Does Raising Chickens Compare to Raising Quail?

Are Backyard Chickens Noisy Because Of Egg Song?

Are Backyard Chickens Noisy Because Of Egg Song? Does The Egg Song Make Backyard Chickens Noisy? Does Pre-Egg Squawking Make Backyard Chickens Noisy? Do Beeps Make Backyard Chickens Noisy? Are There Ways Of Keeping Chickens Quiet? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you have ever been in a backyard where roosters regularly croak, you know that the noise can be quite loud. However, you might not know that the sound is also harmful to your ears. Studies show that prolonged exposure to sounds over 85 decibels can lead to temporary hearing loss. Thankfully, hens cluck at a lower decibel level. Roosters crow at different times of the day, with the loudest sounds occurring in the early morning and late at night. Roosters generally crow to communicate with their flock or with other roosters. The noise can be so loud that it can be heard across a large area. But it's wor...

Are There Ways Of Keeping Chickens Quiet?

Are There Ways Of Keeping Chickens Quiet? Does Less Noise Mean Better Neighbors? Are There Ways Of Keeping Backyard Hens Quiet? Are There Ways Of Keeping Backyard Chickens Docile? Are There Ways Of Keeping Backyard Chickens From Flying Over Fences? Does Spraying Chickens with Water Keep Them Quiet? Can Insulating Coops Keep Backyard Chickens Quiet? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people that want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. There are several ways to keep chickens quiet. One way is to choose a quiet breed, which makes fewer noises. Another way is to control environmental factors. Keep in mind that chickens need space to move around and feel safe. Lastly, you need to understand the different sounds that chickens make, in order to reduce noise. Are There Ways Of Keeping Chickens Quiet?

Can Backyard Chickens and Dogs Be Friends?

Can Backyard Chickens and Dogs Be Friends? What Are Animals That Make Good Friends for Backyard Chickens? What Are Characteristics Of Good Friends for Backyard Chickens? What Are the Challenges Of Coexisting with Backyard Chickens? What Are Feasibility Of Coexisting with Backyard Chickens? What Are Safety Considerations for Coexisting with Backyard Chickens? What Are Costs of Coexisting with Backyard Chickens? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. Creating a backyard chicken and dog relationship is possible. However, there are several considerations to keep in mind to ensure a successful relationship. The first thing to keep in mind is the temperament of your dog. If you have a dog that doesn't have a lot of experience with other animals, it might find the prospect of sharing a yard with chickens unnerving or even frightening. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is ...

How Loud Are Backyard Chickens?

How Loud Are Backyard Chickens? Do Hens Make Noises When They Lay Eggs? Are Roosters Loud? Are There Laws Relating to Backyard Chickens? What Are Noise Levels for Backyard Chickens? Are Hens Louder Than Roosters? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. The noise made by backyard chickens varies according to the type of noise they make and the distance from the source. When laying an egg, hens make a lot of noise, and roosters can be even louder. Noise levels can also be affected by laws. Read on to learn more about noise levels and backyard chicken laws. How Loud Are Backyard Chickens?

How Many Backyard Chickens Should I Get?

How Many Backyard Chickens Should I Get? Does The Cost Of The Hen House Effect The Chicken Flock Size? Does The Cost Of Feed Effect The Chicken Flock Size? Does The Space Needed for Hens Affect The Chicken Flock Size? Does Choosing a Breed Of Hen Effect The Chicken Flock Size? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you want to have backyard chickens, you must first determine how much they will cost you. This includes the price of the hen house, the feed, and the space that you need for them. Once you know the costs, you can decide how many hens to get. How Many Backyard Chickens Should I Get?

How Many Chickens Can You Have In Your Backyard?

How Many Chickens Can You Have In Your Backyard? What Are Requirements for Raising Chickens? What Are Predators for Chickens? What Are Costs for Chickens? How to Keep a Rooster for Chickens? What Are Legalities for Chickens? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. To know how many chickens you can keep in your backyard, you need to check the local ordinances. Check with your local planning board and ask questions about zoning regulations. You can also join a pro-chicken Facebook group to gain local support. Then, you can post questions and get answers on the group's local ordinances page. How Many Chickens Can You Have In Your Backyard?

How to Introduce Backyard Chickens to Cats?

How to Introduce Backyard Chickens to Cats? Are Feral Cats a Danger to Backyard Chickens? Are Wildcats a Danger to Backyard Chickens? Are Younger Cats a Danger to Backyard Chickens? Are Dogs a Danger to Backyard Chickens? Can You Train Pets to Get Along with Backyard Chickens? How to Introduce Backyard Chickens to Cats? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you are thinking about adding backyard chickens and cats to your backyard, you may be wondering how to go about it. The good news is that there are several ways to introduce them to each other safely. The first way involves introducing the hens to your cat while having a second person supervise the cat's behavior and monitor any potential predatory reactions. The assistant can also act as a distraction so that your cat does not feel threatened. How to Introduce Backyard Chickens to Cats?

How to Prevent Backyard Chickens From Ruining Wet Concrete Floors?

How to Prevent Backyard Chickens From Ruining Wet Concrete Floors? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. There are ways to prevent backyard chickens from ruining wet concrete floors. First of all, bedding should be made of a material that prevents contact between the chickens and the concrete. This will help prevent direct contact with the concrete and avoid possible bacterial infections. Next, sanitation should be done properly to avoid salmonella outbreaks. How to Prevent Backyard Chickens From Ruining Wet Concrete Floors?

What Is the Best Food for Free Range Chickens?

What Is the Best Food for Free Range Chickens? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. There are several options for feeding your free-range chickens, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Some chickens are allergic to some types of food, so it's important to know which is right for your flock. These foods include mixed corn, Layer feed, Fruits, and Vegetables. What Is the Best Food for Free Range Chickens?

What Are Some Of The Best Backyard Chicken Breeds?

What Are Some Of The Best Backyard Chicken Breeds? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. There are many different breeds of chickens, and each one has its own personality and needs. Some chicken breeds are friendlier than others. You'll also want to consider how much time you'd like to spend with your chicken, as some are better suited to bonding with humans than others. Some of the best all-around chickens are the Barnevelders, Brahmas, Dominiques, and Speckled Sussex. What Are Some Of The Best Backyard Chicken Breeds?

Why Are Backyard Chicken Egg Yolks Pale?

Why Are Backyard Chicken Egg Yolks Pale? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you've ever noticed that the yolks of backyard chickens are pale, you're not alone. It's a common problem, particularly among free-range or pasture-raised breeds. While artificial colors are not legal for hens, you can add dried marigold flowers and calendula flowers to your chickens' diets. They also contain carotenoids and can improve the color of your hens' eggs. Why Are Backyard Chicken Egg Yolks Pale?

Is It Safe to Have Backyard Chickens?

Is It Safe to Have Backyard Chickens? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you've ever wanted to raise your own flock of backyard chickens, you probably have plenty of questions. You've likely heard about the dangers of salmonella, avian influenza, E. coli, and campylobacteriosis. You're probably also concerned about predators. Here's what you need to know. Is It Safe to Have Backyard Chickens?

How to Protect Backyard Chickens From Predators?

How to Protect Backyard Chickens From Predators? At BackyardChickenNews, we help people who want to raise backyard chickens by collating information and news blended with our own personal experiences. If you want to protect your backyard chickens from predators, there are several methods you can use. You can either use chain link fencing or motion-sensitive lights, or you can use owl decoys. You can also use noisemakers. Regardless of the type of predator you are trying to protect, these methods will protect your chickens and keep them healthy and happy. The most effective way to protect your chickens is to use a combination of all these methods. How to Protect Backyard Chickens From Predators?